Boat Cruise Safari
Mabamba swamp Shoebill birdwatching
Experience Uganda’s most sought-after bird – Shoebill that lives on the marshy sides of mabamba swamp on lake victoria. Shoebills are a descendant of dinosaurs. Their beaks are massive shaped like shoes.
You will board wooden boats with engine and there after traditional peddle canoeing in search of mainly the Shoebill which usually hides in the mash looking for their favourite lung fish.
Getting on a motorized canoe in search for this pre-historic bird is a great experience. Is a must-visit place for birders who come to Uganda.
Local guides continue scanning around the mash for this amazing bird to behold and certainly one of the world’s most iconic. The bird’s massive beak and brilliant large eyes are usually noticed first. Shoebills like this bay because there is plenty of fish and the area has an extensive marsh which local people have been passionate to protect.
Listen to amazing stories surrounding this shoebill community. Mabamba Bay is the only place in Uganda with high chances of spotting the shoebill.
Rediscover more birds. Right by the shores is a tree with a massive amount of nesting village weaver birds. On a canoe tour, look out for Harmer kop, papyrus gonolek calling, yellow billed ducks, Spur winged goose, purple and Squacco Herons, Palm-nut vultures, purple swampen, African Jacana, African Marsh – Harrier, Intermediate Egret, Wood Sandpiper, Malakite Kingfisher, Long-toed Lapwing, African Black Crake, Gargany, and White-faced Whistling Duck.